Would You Make a Different Decision?

Would You Make a Different Decision?

If you knew you could not fail, if it was absolutely a sure thing that it would all work out, would you make different decisions now than you are currently making? 

I think we would all make different decisions. However, we have been trained and conditioned to make decisions based on our current conditions, our history, and our track record. We make decisions from the thinking that produced the results we are currently experiencing. What is more, we continue to do that even if those results are not what we desire. We make decisions from our current self-image, and from our current level of self-esteem.

For years, my mentor and teacher, Mary Morrissey has taught that “We can’t get to our dream, we must come from it”.  Research in the field of Neuroscience has proven this to be the case and is now able to observe physical changes in the brain that create different experiences when a person is thinking from the vision of what they desire. 

I am sure you would agree that the person living the life you dream of thinks differently, and makes decisions differently. It follows then, that if you were thinking like that person, with that person’s awareness, you would already be living that life.
Make sense?

You might be asking, “OK, so how do I think from that place when I am not there yet? I don’t know what it would be like.”  This is where your vision and your imagination (one of your 6 mental faculties) come in. Creating a very vivid vision of the life you would love living is the foundation…then you must regularly and rigorously interact with that vision using your imagination to ‘experience’ living that life.  The more you engage your 5 senses in this process, the more powerful the practice is and the sooner and more precisely you will draw into your life, the content you desire.

This what Albert Einstein was describing when he stated, “Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but to get that reality….”

I love the quote by Carmine Gallo….he does not agree with Fake it ‘til you make it, he says “Fake it until you become it”.

Right now, calendar some time to pull out your vision, add some 5 sensorizing language if it is not making you come alive. Then calendar a few minutes each day for a week to review it and experience, with all 5 senses, what it is like living that life.  Notice what ideas, opportunities and resources begin to show up in your life. My guess and my hope is that you will not stop at 7 days, that it becomes a lifelong practice.

To new ways of thinking!

* Self Mastery Mentor and Coach *
Your Partner in Believing

Please share with our Facebook community what it feels like to live from your vision!

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